
參加過TAIS 南投復臨暑期英文班的孩子們英文有進步嗎? 又都學到了甚麼呢? 來,跟著小編一起往下看看參加過2018 TAIS Summer school 的學生們都怎麼說吧~Go! 


I came to TAIS Summer School this summer. The first time I saw this school, I thought it was very bad. But I feel good now, and it’s not the worst. In these four weeks, I learned a lot of new things. My English improved, I learned how to treat your roommates well, how to be a part of a class and lots of new things. Although the cafeteria isn’t that good, but we have to survive, we have to eat. I can feel that my English improved a lot. In class we can’t speak Chinese. For me, the first time is very hard, but I get used to it now. The people and teachers are nice, we have to say “Thank you” to the teachers. In four weeks, they really help us a lot. Teachers encourage us and make us happy. It’s almost the end of summer school, I feel sad. There’s only one day left. I will cherish the last day and enjoy the rest of my summer! Maybe I’ll come here next time!

(暑假我參加了復臨暑期英文班。我第一次看到這間學校的時候覺得它很糟。但是現在我覺得它很好,沒那麼差。這四周當中,我學到了很多新東西,英文也進步了。我學到如何善待室友,如何成為課堂上的一份子與很多新東西 。雖然餐廳不是很好,但我們必須活下來就得吃。我感覺我的英文進步很多。課堂上我們不能講中文。對我而言,第一的時候非常難,但現在我習慣了。這裡的人跟老師都很好, 我們要向老師說"謝謝"。在這四週,他們真的幫助到我們很多。老師很鼓勵我們並讓我們開心。暑期英文班幾乎要結束了,我覺得難過。只剩一天,我會在最後一天保持開心並享受我剩下的暑假。也許我下次還要再來!)




Jason Liao

I will say “This is the best summer school I have ever had.” It gave me a lot of experiences and taught me a lot of English. I met a lot of friends here, and they are friendly and treat us like classmates even we are not here to study. Comparing TAIS with the school I have in China. I think this school’s classmates and the cafeteria are better than there. I can feel a lot of love from our classmates and we all have fun together. I didn’t feel this at my school before. Even they say the cafeteria is not very good, but in my opinion, it is very yummy even though it is school food. And I like the schedule here in this summer school. I learned a lot of things here, like baking class and computing class. I love them all, and I think those are interesting to learn. Even someone says it is boring, but I like it. I like this feeling here and I have learned a lot here. I will miss you guys and teachers. Thank you for this month, we all have great memories this summer. I think I will come back next summer! Thank you.

(我要說"這是我有過最棒的暑期課程了",它給我很多經驗並交倒了我很多英文。我認識了很多朋友,他們很友善並向同班同學一樣對待我,即使我們並沒有在這間學校就讀。比較TAIS和我在大陸的學校的話, 我想這間學校的同學和餐廳是比那邊好很多的。我能夠感受從同學那裏來的很多關愛而且我們一起有了很多樂趣,我在我就讀的學校裡不曾感受過這個。雖然他們說餐廳不是很好,但我認為, 它雖然是餐廳的食物但非常好吃。我也喜歡暑期英文班的課程與作息,我學到了很多新東西,像烘焙課和電腦課,我都很愛,而且我覺得學起來很有趣。即使某人說它很無聊,但我喜歡。我喜歡這種感覺,能在這裡讓我學到很多。我會想念你們和老師的。謝謝你們這個月與我共同擁有的美好回憶。我想明年我還會來,謝謝!)




It was my second time coming to summer school. My classmates are so cute and funny. We had a lot of fun here, but sometimes they're crazy.  The teacher is so kind to me. If I have a problem they will their best to help me. I know my English is not good enough, but I’m so proud that I have many people who want to help me to improve my English, so I will do my best and work harder to improve myself.  







The summer school of 2018 is going to finish, there're lots of memories in it.  In the summer, I have learned many things, such as how to cook, how to write an essay, how to play soccer and so on.  The class that I remember the most is swimming class. The water in the pool was really cold, but we had a lot of fun while we are swimming.  My favorite class in the summer school is an art class because art is my hobby. We made many interesting things in art class. I wish I could come to the summer school again.






I learn a lot during this summer school, and I have improved my English a lot.  Even though I chose to go down the level to HSP3, so the class are more fun comparing to E1 class.  I learned how to cook and bake in cooking class. I learned more vocabulary words and grammar. I also learned how to coding in the computer class.  I made a lot of new friends, even though some of them only come for two weeks and then they left. We also had a field trip in the second week of the summer school.  We went to Tai-Jiang National Park and Chi-Mei museum. It was a fun trip. But I hope the school cafeteria can serve meat because the cafeteria serve vegetable only.  But we can have meat on Tuesday for night market and weekend while we going home. I think the TAIS is very fun. Even though I lost the chance to watch the World Cup during summer school.  I still think this is a nice summer camp.

(暑期英文班當中我學到很多,而且我的英文也進步了很多。雖然我選擇課程往下調一個程度去基礎英文高級班,但也因為如此上課比較好玩,跟學分班 比的話。我學到怎麼烹飪和烘焙在烹飪課。我學到很多單字和文法,也在電腦課中學到如何寫小程式。我交到一些新朋友,雖然有些只有來2週就要離開。在第二週的時候還去了一趟戶外教學,我們去台江文化園區和奇美博物館,這真是一趟很好玩的旅程。但是我希望學校餐廳能夠吃肉因為餐廳只提供蔬食,不過我們在每週二可以去逛夜市吃肉,而周五就能夠回家了。我覺得TAIS非常有趣。雖然我失去在暑假中看世界盃的機會,我還是覺得這是一個很棒的暑期夏令營。)






In the summer school, I have learned a lot.  Every morning, we have Ms. Hanna’s class and Ms. Vivienne’s class.  Reading and Writing is harder for me because when we read, we learn new vocabulary words.  I can’t memorize every word. I learn so I usually get a bad grade. In writing class, I learned more about what we need for our essay.  In Grammar class, I learned more about tenses, noun-verb agreement, and more and more. In Mrs. Tooly’s class, we learned about blessing and speaking.  This class is very fun because we do a lot of activities. We have a PE class every day, and the sport we do every day is different. We also have activities every day of the last class.  We have Art class, Team building, Computer and Cooking class. We learn new things from every class. I think cooking is the best of all four of them. Even though summer school isn’t about playing games and doing fun activities, but I think it is good because I learned a lot here.  I wish that I will come here again.

(暑期英文班中,我學到了很多。每天早上我們有Ms. Hanna 和 Ms. Vivienne老師的課。閱讀和寫作對我難了一點因為當我們在讀的時候也同時學習新單字。我不能記住我學過的每一個生字所以通常我的分數不高。在寫作課程,我學到更多要寫一篇短文需要的技巧。文法課程的時候, 我學到更多關於時態、非名詞使用...等等很多。在Ms. Tooly的課程,我們學到了關於祝福與表達。這堂課很好玩因為我們做了很多活動。我們每天還有體育課,每天做的運動都不一樣。每天最後一堂課的活動也都不一樣,我們有藝術手作課、團體默契養成課、電腦和烹飪課。我們從每一門課當中學到新東西。我覺得烹飪課是這四個裡面最棒的。雖然說暑期英文課程不是只有玩遊戲和做趣味活動的那種,但我覺得很棒,因為我在這裡學到很多。我希望能再來參加一次。)



TAIS is a school that really surprised me.  It is very different from the normal school in Taiwan.  They teach us English more than Chinese. The school is very big and beautiful When I’m learning here for my first time.  I feel tired because TAIS’s classes are 90 minutes, and the normal school’s class is just 45 minutes, but I love here and I want to come here to study.  I love to play basketball here, too. Because we have a lot of time to play basketball at TAIS.  And a lot of friends can play with me, so I wish I can come to TAIS to study.

(TAIS這間學校讓我很驚豔, 跟其他台灣的學校很不一樣。他們教我們英文多過中文。當我第一次來這裡念書的時候我覺得這間學校很大很漂亮。我覺得很累因為TAIS一堂課有90分鐘,而其他一般學校只有45分,但我喜愛這裡而且我想要來讀, 我也喜歡在這裡打籃球,因為在TAIS有很多時間讓我們打籃球,而且有很多朋友跟我一起打,所以我希望我可以來唸這裡。)(備註: 一堂課90分鐘,中間有2段5分鐘休息時間,學生也能在










































  Chris Liao:

In this TAIS summer school, I learned many new things.  I got many friendly friends like Roger, Elek, Derek, Hank, and Diego.  we have a cooking class here. It’s very fun and interesting. We made many things.  We also have many funny things in the dorm. The teacher is very good, too. The most interesting one is Ms. Vivienne’s class.  It’s very fun, we have class in IEC. In PE class we had a volleyball game last week. The winner had a drink. In art class, we did something about FIFA every week.  We need to write an essay. It is very fun here. I will come here again.

(在TAIS暑期英文班,我學到很多新東西,交到很多友善的朋友像Roger, Elek, Derek, Hank, and Diego。我們還有烹飪課,很好玩也很有趣。我們做了很多東西。宿舍也有很多好玩事情。老師們非常好。最有趣的是Ms. Vivienne老師的課。非常好玩,我們在IEC上課。上週的體育課我們打排球賽,贏的可以喝飲料。在藝術手作課,每一週我們做了跟FIFA有關的很多東西。我們需要寫一篇短文。這裡很好玩。我會再來參加)





This is my first time to come here in TAIS.  My brother studied here before, so I came here to study, too.  In the first week, we were like a stranger. We didn’t talk to each other.  In the second week, we tried to make a new friend. Now, we walk to each other and eat together, it was very happy.  I think the class was fun, too. It’s different from my school in Taipei. There were PE class and activities in the afternoon which can help me to lose my weight.  I love summer school so much! I hope next year I can join the summer again.

(這是我第一次來TAIS。我哥之前讀這裡,所以我也來了。第一週的時候,我們彼此像個陌生人, 不跟彼此交談。第二週,我們試著交朋友了。現在我們都一起走、一起吃,非常開心。我覺得課程也很好玩,跟我在台北的學校很不一樣。下午有可以幫我減肥的體育課和活動。我超愛暑期英文班!希望明年可以再參加一次




  Jerry P.  

Hi!  I’m Jerry Peng.  I like this summer school.  The teachers are nice and kind to everyone.  I like all the classes. My classmate is so funny.  My roommate is taking good care of me. The food in the cafeteria is good and yummy.  The PE class has basketball contest and my team got the second place of the game. I like summer school, I want to come next year.

(Hi, 我是Jerry Peng。我喜歡暑期英文班,老對每個人都很好。我喜歡所有的課程。我同學很有趣。我的是有很照顧我。餐廳的食物不錯也很美味。體與課有籃球賽,而我那一隊拿到第二名。我喜歡暑期課程,明年我還要再來)




TAIS summer school is interesting and it has many interesting things, too.  such as fun classes, exciting sport, team building and “Delicious” food in the cafeteria.  First of all, I experienced many things in this summer school and I think the most unforgettable once our friendship.  People in the dorm were very kind and friendly. For example, if you don’t have marker to write your name on the drinks, they will always give their own marker to you.  In this summer school, I made a lot of new friend and I think they help me to have an unforgettable month. Furthermore, we always have PE class after second period of the class.  I think the most interesting and exciting is volleyball. We were divided into two team. our arm are sore after the class, but I believe we will be strong than before. This summer school is exciting and interesting.  It has many things to learn. I think I will be here next year.



Summer school 2018.jpg




看過這些孩子們見證與感想之後,是不是也想了解南投復臨的暑期英文班課程呢? 如果也想讓孩子有個一邊學一邊玩很充實的暑假,趕快手刀報名~

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課程與簡章  請點我




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    南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構(Taiwan Adventist International School)

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